Is the Oil and Gas Industry's Best Days Behind It?

Is the Oil and Gas Industry's Best Days Behind It?

September 16, 20241 min read
Is the Oil and Gas Industry's Best Days Behind It?

Kenner interviews Alex Ottewell about the oil and gas industry. Alex explains the process of drilling for oil and how the production of a well can change over time. He also discusses his approach to investing in oil and gas, which involves buying existing production rather than drilling new wells. 


Alex shares that his company offers investors a return of 18.5% to 22% after fees, along with tax benefits. He emphasizes the importance of transparency in the industry and the need to understand the risks involved. Alex also highlights the wide range of products that are made from oil and gas, beyond just gasoline.


• The production of an oil well can change over time, with initial high production followed by depletion.

• Investing in existing oil and gas production can provide a more predictable return compared to drilling new wells.

• Investors in the oil and gas industry can expect a return of 18.5% to 22% after fees, along with tax benefits.

• Transparency and understanding the risks are important when investing in oil and gas.

• Oil and gas are used in a wide range of products beyond gasoline.

Sound Bites

• Can you explain a little bit about that?

• I'd rather buy existing products that I can kind of almost foresee the future in some regard.

• We put it between 18 and a half and 22 percent IRR

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