Tax Tuesday: Pay Attention to Tax and SAVE money!

Too many times do people completely disregard taxes and simply pay the tax bill on April 15th. An entrepreneur should start planning for their cash flow, tax situation, well before Tax Day. May you be on Bainbridge Island, WA, SoCal, NYC, to Palm Beach, FL, just take at least an hour a quarter to take a look at your financial situation - well before it is too late. In this brief episode, we go over this concept and also a plea - look at your taxes quarterly, you will be glad you did!


If you have any questions or would like a complimentary one hour tax review you can reach our office at:

Phone: (888) 808-8278
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Pacific)

Thank you for listening!

Kenner French, is a former small business contributor at, author of three books, an executive at AI-focused, a keynote speaker, and a Dave Matthews Band fan!



Kenner French

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...of ABC's Shark Tank says in this video that Kenner is using AI "in an innovative way to help (entrepreneurs) save on taxes." Kenner has saved hundreds (if not thousands) of entrepreneurs IRS/tax dollars, increase wealth, and protect their financial legacy. His strategy can work for you as it has so many entrepreneurs across the globe!
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